About us

About us



A.Brask are two people who share their love and respect for each other and for nature. Together creates we design with nature as inspiration and produced through good craftsmanship. We are two creative souls – Anders with a background in science and Adelina with a background in architecture. It is this mixture of creativity, curiosity about nature and professionalism that characterizes A.Brask. Our desire is to offer you the most beautiful and timeless jewelry at an attractive price.
A.Brask - Om Adelina
A.Brask - Om Adelina


We are proud to have earned our place in the exclusive “Fine Jewelery” category. A.Handy jewelry is regularly checked and tested by the Precious Metals Control. Each A.Brask jewelery is stamped with the hallmark (925) and our name stamp (EPG). This is the customer’s proof that A.Brask jewelry meets the highest standards. It is very important to us that you will be happy with your A.Bras jewelry and that you will always feel beautiful and unique with them on.
A.Brask - Om Adelina


Guldplatering er ikke en ny proces. Guldet bliver lagt på sølvet med en proces der hedder elektroplatering. Det er en vådkemiskproces der foregår i nogle væskekar og involverer elektrisk strøm. Hvis man elektroplaterer guld direkte på sølv vil holdbarheden være begrænset. Dette skyldes at sølvatomer kan migrere (diffundere) igennem guldlaget og derved oxidere når de kommer i kontakt med ilt fra luften. For at forhindre dette brugte man nikkel. Det viste sig imidlertid at kunne give hudallergi. With ALPHA GOLD® we have solved this problem by using another diffusion barrier as well as a much thicker layer of gold.
A.Brask - Om Adelina

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